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Wreck inspection and hatch salvage MS Alster

February 6th, 2024 | Blumensandhafen, Hamburg

alster bergung

On February 6, 2024, the 80m-long inland waterway vessel MS Alster sank in the Elbe at the Kali quay in Blumensandhafen, Hamburg. The ship was loaded with around 1,400 tons of potassium chloride (salt), which quickly began to dissolve in the Elbe water. The Nordseetaucher were instructed by the engineering firm responsible for the salvage to carry out a diving survey at short notice to identify the amount of salt still in the wreck. It was also noted that the hold hatches had spread inside the ship's hull.

It was decided to salvage the hatch covers as a precautionary measure, as the shipowner wanted to protect them from damage. Therefore, the divers recovered most of the hold hatches at short notice in a further operation with the help of a towing crane. These preparatory measures, which were important for the final salvage of the ship, were successfully carried out even in challenging weather conditions.

35 Years Nordseetaucher

March 2024 | Ammersbek

Unusual diving operation in the marine center on Fehmarn

August 2023 | Fehmarn

Meereszentrum Fehmarn

To enable the visitors of the Meereszentrum on Fehmarn to enjoy the absolute attraction of the ocean aquarium, the sand tiger shark lady Jaqueline and various other shark species such as black tips or a nurse shark, the panorama pane of the large aquarium has to be cleaned from the inside from time to time. An unusual operation for our diving team.

In warm water, crystal clear visibility and under strict supervision of the marine center manager, the pane was cleaned in the water with the help of a plastic card and a classic pane cleaner. A metal basket, open only on the side to the window pane, protected the divers from the curiosity of the large predators during this operation. An exciting experience for the team.

Anchor salvage in Kaiserhafen

6th June 2023 | Bremerhaven

On June 6th our team was ordered to a salvage operation in the Kaiserhafen in Bremerhaven. A container ship had an approx. 85 m long anchor chain including anchor in the propeller. With the help of a mooring line, the chain was lifted and cut by the diver below the propeller. The anchor chain and anchor were then salvaged by a mobile crane.


Vermietung von Wohnmobil-Abstellplätzen / Winterquartier in Bremerhaven

2022 | Bremerhaven

  • Wohnmobil-Abstellplätze | Winterquartier (Fladengrund 36-38, Bremerhaven)
  • Eingezäuntes und abgeschlossenes Gelände
  • Kameraüberwachung
  • Mindestmiete 3 Monate

0172 / 455 72 00

Further permits for propeller polishing with filtration

2022 | Bremen, Bremerhaven, Hamburg and Kiel

Due to intensive discussions, we were able to convince further environmental authorities / port authorities of our environmentally friendly process for propeller cleaning. In addition to the permit from Bremerhaven, which we have held since 2020, we now have temporary permits to carry out propeller polishing in the ports of Bremen, Hamburg and Kiel.

The diving works will be carried out depending on the local conditions (including visibility, current and shipping traffic). During all operations, samples of the re-injected water are analyzed by a certified laboratory. We are glad to be able to take another step towards environmental and water protection in cooperation with the local authorities.

ROV operation

2021 | Graal-Müritz

In cooperation with the diving company Fred Babbel, the approx. 280 m long lake outlet pipe DN1200 at the Stromgraben pumping station in Graal-Müritz, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, was inspected with the help of our ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) Hyball. This small remote-controlled diving robot is equipped with a camera and therefore, it is possible to localize damages to the pipeline or blockages in the pipe.


Propeller polishing with filtration to be in expansion

2021 | Bremerhaven


Environmental and water protection is as important to us as the development of innovative products and solutions. This has motivated us to look into the topic of propeller cleaning.

The cleaning of propellers is not allowed in German ports, because the cleaned substances contaminate the water, e.g. also by heavy metal contents. Propellers covered with barnacles and marine fouling, however, have to be operated with more effort, which leads to a significant increase in fuel consumption. This has a greater impact on the environment than driving with a cleaned propeller. For this reason, in cooperation with Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, we have developed a system that filters out cleaned material when the propeller is polished and then returns the cleaned water to the harbor basin. Appropriate water samples are analyzed by a certified laboratory each time the system is used.

As far back in 2020, the Bremen environmental authority gave us preliminary approval to test this system and polish propellers in Bremerhaven's harbor basin. Now that a large number of propellers have already been polished, our system has been further optimized and important results have been obtained from the samples analyzed in the laboratory, we will expand our test areas. We are in contact with further ports and the responsible environmental authorities in order to be able to offer our system for legal and environmentally friendly propeller cleaning there as well.

Magazin "Der Spezialist"

10.02.2021 | Ammersbek

Berufstaucher - Ein Leben unter Wasser

Text: Elisabeth Stockinger

Port of Lindø: sheet pile repair

2020 | Denmark

Odense preview

During the construction of the new harbor section at the Port of Lindø in Munkebo, Denmark, large stones and clayey soil made it difficult to set the sheet piles in 2020. These were severely damaged during driving and there were many sheet pile lock cracks.

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NORDSEETAUCHER GmbH is now certified by RINA

December 2nd, 2020 | Geneva, Italy

We are proud to annouce the Certification by RINA.

Pressemitteilung Harzwasserwerke

25.09.2020 | Oktertalsperre - Harz

Der schwimmende Bagger wird zu Wasser gelassen

An der Okertalsperre im Harz wurde am vergangenen Dienstag, 22.09.2020, ein 30-Tonnen-Bagger von der Staumauer aus zu Wasser gelassen. Der Seilbagger, der für 14 Tage auf einem Ponton auf der Okertalsperre schwimmen wird, soll Treibholz und Schwemmgut aus der Nähe der Mauer entfernen. Ziel ist es, dass nach der Säuberungsaktion Taucher an der Mauer arbeiten können. „Wir sanieren und dichten auf rund 60 Metern Länge eine Fuge ab“, erklärt Marie Kleine, Pressesprecherin der Harzwasserwerke. „Aktuell verlieren wir durch die undichte Fuge kontinuierlich einige Liter pro Sekunde aus der Talsperre. Das wollen wir in Hinblick auf die immer wieder kehrende Trockenheit ändern.“

Damit die Taucher allerdings die Fuge mit einem Geokomposit aus PVC und Textilelementen abdichten können, muss zunächst der Bagger ran. Los ging es an der Okertalsperre zunächst am Vormittag mit dem Ponton, das an der Staumauer befestigt wurde. Dann hob ein Kran den Bagger auf das Ponton. Insgesamt kostet die Bagger-Aktion und Sanierung der Fuge rund 300.000 Euro. Durch die Bauarbeiten im Wasserschutzgebiet ist bis zum Freitag, 02.10.2020, mit Einschränkungen zu rechnen.

Marie Kleine
Pressesprecherin Harzwasserwerke

NORDSEETAUCHER GmbH is now certified by Korean Register

September 24th, 2020 | Busan, Korea

We are proud to annouce the Certification by Korean Register.

Article in the German Newspaper Nordwest-Zeitung

25th April 2020 | Dangast culvert

Article in the German Newspaper Nordwest-Zeitung

22nd April 2020 | Motzener Canal

A few impressions of the assignment

Photos © Mrs. Bode

New Multi-Purpose Workboat Faster 81 Cat Cabin

2020-03-01 | Bremerhaven

New Multi-Purpose Workboat Faster 81 Cat Cabin

Flyer as PDF (800 KB)

Since March of this year we have expanded our technically high-quality equipment with a multi-purpose work boat of the type "Faster 81 Cat Cabin", built in 2020. This is a versatile vehicle that can be flexibly transported on a trailer to the most diverse locations.

The "NORDSEETAUCHER" is equipped with the latest technology and is mainly used for diving operations, but also for object searches using sonar or for transport. A special feature is the bow flap, which enables work directly at the water change area. Thus, for example, surveys or work on sheet piles or ships can be carried out at water surface level, just to name a few possible applications.

Article in the German Newspaper Hamburger Abendblatt

01.06.2019 | Ammersbek

Article in the German Newspaper "Hamburger Abendblatt"


The Booklet as PDF
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The Booklet as interactive Flipbook
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Article in the German Newspaper BILD

14.03.2019 | Ammersbek

Article in the German Newspaper "BILD".

30 Years Nordseetaucher GmbH

January 2019 | Ammersbek

To celebrate our 30 year Anniversary this Article was published with 20 Newspapers in North Germany.

Read the full article here

Bergung Schleusentor

2018-03-30 | Kiel-Holtenau

Das Trennen und Bergen des Schleusentors

Im Auftrag der Werft Nobiskrug - Rendsburg waren die Nordseetaucher an den Bergungsarbeiten des Schleusentores erfolgreich beteiligt. Das Tor wurde unter Wasser in zwei Hälften getrennt und geborgen. Die Arbeiten unter Wasser wurden ausgeführt in Zusammenarbeit mit Taucher Knoth.

Canadian Underwater Conference

2018-03-26 | Vancouver - Canada

Tunneling in Saturation

Speeker: Claus Mayer - Nordseetaucher GmbH

Stellenausschreibung: Berufstaucher/-in

9.03.2018 | Bremerhaven

Die Nordseetaucher GmbH gehört zu den führenden Unternehmen im industriellen Tauchgewerbe. Ihre Haupteinsatzgebiete sind Taucherarbeiten auf Bohr- und Förderplattformen in der Nord- und Ostsee, Bergungsarbeiten im In- und Ausland, Taucher- und Druckluftarbeiten im weltweiten Tunnelvortrieb, Sanierung von Talsperren und Kraftwerksanlagen sowie das Tauchen in kontaminierten Gewässern. Die Gesellschaft hat ihren Hauptsitz in Ammersbek bei Hamburg und den Betriebshof sowie das Trainingszentrum in Bremerhaven.


Als Berufstaucher/-in unterstützen Sie unser Team in Bremerhaven eigenständig bei der Durchführung sämtlicher Taucherarbeiten. Hierzu zählen Schiffsbodeninspektionen, diverse Schweiß- und Brennarbeiten, Spül-, Reparatur- und Kontrollarbeiten und/ oder das Polieren von Schiffspropellern. Neben den Taucherarbeiten gehört die Einsatzvorbereitung inklusive der Wartung- und Pflege der Ausrüstung, als auch die Einsatznachbereitung, sowie die Berichterstellung, zu Ihren möglichen Tätigkeiten. Darüber hinaus besteht Ihre Aufgabe darin, das Unternehmen in seinen täglichen Arbeitsprozessen zu unterstützen.

Unsere Anforderungen:

  • Erfolgreich abgeschlossene Fortbildung zum / zur Berufstaucher/-in
  • Gute handwerkliche Fähigkeiten, vorzugweise mit nachweisbarer Ausbildung
  • Freude an der Ausführung individueller Einsätze und an der Zusammenarbeit im Team
  • Gute Englischkenntnisse sind wünschenswert
  • Führerschein Klasse C1E oder ähnlich
  • Bootsführerschein wäre von Vorteil
  • Gute Korrespondenz in Wort und Schrift
  • Flexible Einsatzbereitschaft
  • Organisationstalent mit einem hohen Maß an Serviceorientierung
  • Gute Kenntnisse im Umgang mit dem MS Office-Paket
  • Selbstständige und sehr genaue Arbeitsweise

Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Für einen ersten vertraulichen Kontakt stehen Ihnen Herr Marcus Klönner (Tel +49 (0) 1724557200) und Frau Jennifer Mayer (Tel +49 (0) 4102-23180) gerne zur Verfügung. Sind Sie interessiert an der Stelle als Berufstaucher/-in? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen bevorzugt per E-Mail.

Nordseetaucher GmbH
Jennifer Mayer 
Kaufm. Leiterin 
Fladengrund 36
27572 Bremerhaven
Tel.: 0410223180

Hyperbaric Equipment for Charter and Sale

2018-02-15 | Nordseetaucher GmbH

Nordseetaucher GmbH is offering a "HAUX Life Support" - Containerized Hyperbaric- and Diver Treatment Chamber as well as a "POBS" - Portable Oxygen Breathing System for charter or to buy.
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Interview with Claus Mayer, CEO of Nordseetaucher GmbH

September 2017 | Wirtschaftsforum Issue September 2017

Wirtschaftsforum interviewed Claus Mayer.

Read the full Interview as PDF (2.6 MB)

Hyperbaric Work

2018-01-08 | Suez Canal

The 4 TBM's under the Suez Canal in Port Said and Ismailia are through.

N-Sea-Divers was responsible for the Hyperbaric Work in Air and Mixed Gas Saturation.

Int. Underwater Operations and Mixed-Gas-Saturation Interventions in Deep Tunneling

November 04th/5th 2017 | Xiamen-China

New Technology for Hyperbaric Work in Deep Tunneling

Speaker: Claus Mayer - Nordseetaucher

NST at the SMM 2016

06-09. September 2016 | Hamburg Germany

N-SEA-DIVER as member of the GMT-German Association for Marine Technology is part of the InWater Solution Exhibition on the SMM 2016 in Hamburg.

 Our part is Environmental Cavitation Cleaning inclusive Recycling.








Watch the Cavi Cleaner Video

Canadian Underwater Conference

2016.04.04 | Halifax-Canada

Hyperbaric Tunnel Construction and Diving

Speeker: Claus Mayer - Nordseetaucher GmbH

Restructuring of Management

January 2016 | Ammersbek

Dear Sir or Madam,
We are pleased to inform you that Mrs. Jennifer Mayer (M.Sc.) has entered the Nordseetaucher GmbH as Business Administration Manager on 1 January 2016. She is representing the company as authorized signatory.

Mrs. Jennifer Mayer was recently working as Project Manager for the Airbus Operation GmbH. In her new function as Business Administration Manager she is responsible for overseeing and supervising the company’s daily operations including financial, contractual and human resource activities.

Hannover Messe - InWater Solution

12-17. April 2015 | Hannover

N-SEA-DIVER was in 2015 part of the InWater Solution Exhibition on the Hannover Messe.
Our part was Underwater MAG-Welding and Hull Cleaning of Vessels and Offshore Structures.


Canadian Underwater Conference

2015-03-30 | Victoria-Canada

New Technology for Hyperbaric Work in Deep Tunneling

Speaker: Claus Mayer - Nordseetaucher

China Tunnel & Bridge Summit

2015-03-12 | Shenzhen-China

New Technology for Hyperbaric Work in Deep Tunneling

Speaker: Claus Mayer - Nordseetaucher

Istanbul Strait Road Tube Crossing Project

2015-01-30 | Istanbul-Turkey

The NST Diver/Technician Team is succesful back on the surface. They have done 11 interventions with in total 243 Work Hours at 10.8bar in Mixed Gas Satuaration.






Mixed Gas Saturation at 10.8bar

2015-01-16 | Eurasia Tunnel Istanbul

On the Deep Tunnel Project S-762 under the Bosporus in Istanbul -Turkey the Diver/Technicians of NORDSEETAUCHER have reached the working depth of 10.8bar. The Maintenance and Repair Work will be carried out in Compressed Air and Bentonite by using a new designed Mixed Gas Helmet.

Groundwater Control for Tunneling

2014-11-04 | Westin Times Square - New York City

New Technology for Hyperbaric Work in Deep Tunneling

Speaker: Claus Mayer - Nordseetaucher

Diving in Bentonite

2014-05-02 | CCCC-Nanjing Weisan Road River-Crossing Project

The Diver/Technicians have already spent more than 314 work days successful in Mixed Gas Saturation on the Weisan Road River-Crossing Project in Nanjing-China.

Since 2 weeks the Diver from NORDSEETAUCHER GmbH are changing the Cutterhead Discs in Bentonite. What means they are working without visibility and, YES it works.


Deep Tunneling

2013-09-28 | Nanjing-China

Mixed Gas Saturation

Today, after 18 days, the first Mixed Gas Saturation Intervention on the South Line Tunnel Boring Machine of the Weisan Road River-Crossing Project in Nanjing-China, in co-operation with CCCC-China Communication Construction Company has been successful finished.

Three Diver/Technicians From NORDSEETAUCHER GmbH have been busy on the TBM down to 6.1bar. The work they carried out was repair work on the Cutterhead. The Second Team in Mixed Gas Saturation is already busy since 4 days.


Mixed Gas Saturation

2013-09-23 | Nanjing Weisan Tunnel Project (China)

The new Mixed Gas Saturation Generation for Hyperbaric Tunnel Work is designed. Since the 10th of September 2013 the System in Nanjing-China is operating at a depth of 6.1bar. The containerised system is located on the surface. From there the shuttle will be transported with a truck into the tunnel and with a special designed Transport Unit lifted up for connection to the personnel lock.

Hyperbaric Service Contract for Nanjing Weisan Road-Crossing Tunnel Project

2011-08-29 | Nanjing-China

In co-operation with CCCC - China Communication Construction Company 2 new Road Tunnel will be build under the River Jangtze in Nanjing. The maximum overpressure will be 7.4bar. The Mixed Gas Saturation System will be delivered by Hytech BV in co-operation with Nordseetaucher GmbH. The length of the tunnel will be 3.433 m and 4.140 m.



Hyperbaric Works in compressed air at 6.0 bar

October 4th, 2008 | Nanjing Yangtze River Crossing, China

In co-operation with the Herrenknecht AG and CRCC – China Railway Construction Company, the cutter head tools of S-349 / S-350 will be changed in compressed air by 6.0 bar overpressure. Also necessary welding works will be done in 6.0 bar overpressure.

The work and decompression tables, till today without problems and incidents, are calculated and designed by Dr. Karl-Peter Faesecke, Germany. The medical part onsite will be covered by Dr. Yadong Guan M.D. Dr. Yadong ist Associate Prof. of Hyperbaric and Diving Medicine in China

Cable Laying 2007

July - November 2007 | Germany

July 2007 : Laying cables in Lake Schluch in the southern Black Forest, from Aha to Unterkrummen

To link the popular country inn Unterkrummenhof to the electricity network, a team of Nordseetaucher divers and technicians from electrical engineering specialists Kundt Elektrobau laid a cable along the length of Lake Schluch in July 2007.

September 2007: Underwater cables for the Wendefurth pump storage station in the Harz mountains

In September 2007, a team of Nordseetaucher divers laid two cables along the bottom of the Wendefurther reservoir, from the pump storage station to the transformer station below the Rappbode barrage.

November 2007: Laying a medium-high voltage cable from Königssee to St. Bartholomä.

Nordseetaucher GmbH has been awarded a contract by Nexans GmbH, Hanover.

In November the two companies worked together at Königssee to replace a 50-year-old PVC-insulated cable with a new 20-kV undersea cable (3 x 35 mm²) with VPE insulation and round wire cable armouring.

Sea Recovery ARIANE 5 Booster, Mission V 537

August 14th, 2007 | French Guyana

In co-operation with CNES and under contract of IMS the Booster Recovery of the Ariane 5 Mission V 537 has taken place approx. 380 miles east of Kourou in the Atlantic. The booster has been salvaged and safely towed back into the harbor of the space centre at Port Pariacabo.

Diving Operation for Maersk Oil and Gas in the Danish Sector

August/September 2006

In co-operation with OceanTeam 2000 we have inspected several platforms in the Danish Sector for Maersk Oil and Gas.

The vessel for the operation was DSV "Maersk Recorder".

Underwater Pipeline Repair, Bharuch Eco Aqua, India. Underwater Cutting and Repair of Water Pipeline North of Mumbai (Bombay)

March 31th, 2006 | Bombay, India

The specialists of Nordseetaucher GmbH have finished the first part of the water pipeline repair in India.

The damaged pipe was cut under water with a hydraulic controlled rope saw. After that the old and the new pipe section got connected with a Plidco Flange System.

When the test run is finished the new diffuser has to be installed, connected to the pipeline and protected against damage.

Underwater SPM Pipeline Repair, Mossel Bay, South Africa Underwater Shielded Metal Arc-Welding

March 16th, 2006 | South Africa

The special trained underwater wet welders of Nordseetaucher GmbH have finished the second underwater oil pipeline repair in South Africa.

The pipeline is tested with success and again under production..


The filler material is: Thyssen Nautica 20 / 3,2 mm electrodes


Underwater SPM Pipeline Repair, Mossel Bay - South Africa Underwater Shielded Metal Arc-Welding

19. January 2006 | South Africa

In Cooperation with IMPaC Engineering our qualified professional welder divers have finished the first of three oil pipeline welds under water for PetroSA, South Africa.

The pipelines were damage by a vessel anchor during mooring operation.

The filler material is: Thyssen Nautica 20 / 3,2 mm electrodes


Salvaging a barge at a depth of 5 metres off the coast of Büsum

26. August 2005 | Büsum, Germany

In August 2005, Nordseetaucher GmbH was contracted to salvage the passenger barge "Seehund I" which had sunk off the coast near Büsum in northern Germany. The vessel had gone down at a depth of 5 metres.

With the aid of 2 inflatable pontoons and lift bags, we succeeded in lifting the former passenger barge. A tug operated by Schramm, Brunsbüttel, was used to tow the barge into Büsum harbour.

Finally, two cranes were used to lift the wreck onto land.

Diving Operation for Maersk Oil and Gas in the Danish Sector

July/August 2005

In co-operation with OceanTeam 2000 we have inspected several platforms in the Danish Sector for Maersk Oil and Gas.

The vessel for the operation was DSV "Kingfisher".




Salvaging a burnt-out yacht off the coast of Mallorca from a depth of 86 metres

22. April 2005 | Mallorca, Spain

We were contracted by the insurance company to search for the yacht, which we did at the end of 2004 and the beginning of 2005; we located it with the aid of SideScanSonar and a ROV.

In April, we successfully lifted the yacht from a depth of 86 metres and handed it over to the insurance company.

AmrumBank West – wind measurement mast

10. April 2005 | Northsea

The wind measure mast was erected in the North Sea to collect data for the Offshore Windpark AmrumBank West.

NORDSEETAUCHER GmbH was contracted by HOCHTIEF Construction AG to provide offshore services from our dive ship "Aurelia" and the water safety vessel "Victor Hensen".

Kura West River Crossing

09. Februar 2005 | Azerbaijan

The oil and gas pipeline "Blue Line" is under construction from Baku on the Caspian Sea via the country of Azerbaijan and Georgia through Turkey to the Mediterranean harbour of Ceyhan. The Herrenknecht TBM M-929M is a mixed shield slurry shield. The tunnel diameter is 1.60 m and the tunnel length is 2 x 400 metres. To support the working face the shield tunnelling machine will work in closed mode to permit maximum pressures of 3,0 bar, which is the equivalent of a water depth of 30 metres.

A record-breaking EPB shield

26. Oktober 2004 | Barcelona, Spain

The world’s largest earth pressure balance shield, which has a diameter of 12.06m, started work on the Metro line 9 in Barcelona in September 2003.
We have recently completed compressed air work at 2.0 bar on this project; this was the first time we have worked on a TBM project in Spain.

Dettelbach Power Plant 
Construction of a fish research plant

08. August 2004 | Dettelback, Germany

We were contracted by the Technical University of Munich in cooperation with E.ON-Wasserkraft AG to help build a fish research plant to bring in eels from the River Main. This required us to drill two core holes underwater (diameter 700mm, length 4000mm).

Platform maintenance in the Gorm Oilfield

16. July 2004 | Denmark

Nordseetaucher has been contracted by OceanTeam Offshore to work with Bluestream on platform inspection and maintenance work in the Gorm Oilfield, Denmark.

Dock gates in the Dortmund-Ems canal

08. June 2004 | Germany

On behalf of Johan Bunte Bau, we have just completed a contract for underwater work in the Dortmund-Ems canal at Olfen. We were contracted to lay concrete foundations for two sill beams and four attachment points, and then install two dock gates. The canal was the rerouted through these new gates and the old Stever outlet was closed up.

Work in a research nuclear reactor

08. February / June 2004 | Garching near Munich, Germany

Together with Framatome AnP, we have just completed maintenance work in the reactor and settling tank at the research reactor FRM II in Garching near Munich.

Repair work on the steel piling walls at HDW in Kiel

19. October 2003 | Kiel, Germany

Nordseetaucher is currently working on repairing and refacing the damaged steel piling walls at berths 7, 9 and 11 at HDW (Howaldtswerke Deutsche Werft AG) in Kiel. 
What makes this job challenging is the fact that the new facing must be applied below the pier plates and the concrete has to be pumped in from below. The plates are each four metres long.

Sea Recovery ARIANE 5 Booster, Mission 517

27. January 2003 | French Guyana

We were contracted by CNES and IMS to work with them on recovering the booster rockets of Ariane 5 Mission 517. These have now been recovered from the sea approx. 280 nautical miles east of Kourou, despite the terrible weather, with waves topping heights of 6 metres, and have been towing back to the Space Centre at Port Pariacabo and landed.

Structural work in the NEK power plant

19. January 2003 | Krsko, Slovenia

Together with Framatome-Siemens, we replaced several of the existing storage racks in the element storage pool with larger racks. The work took around eight weeks.

Underwater welding and conservation work New Schlei Bridge

1. October 2002 | Kappeln, Germany

As part of the construction of the new bridge over the Schlei in Kappeln, for the very first time, load-bearing seams were welded under water with an a-dimension of up to 10 mm. In total, 229 m2 of steel piles were protected by applying LECO coatings underwater.

Steel gate for the construction dock of the Warnow tunnel 

29. January 2002 | Rostock, Germany

With the aid of a 1000t floating crane called "Roland", the 250t, 30m long, 10m wide and 12m high steel dock gate was hoisted into position between the River Warnow and the construction dock in Rostock. The dock gate is to be used to close off the construction pit and allow the next tunnel segments to be laid in dry conditions. Our contribution to this project included supervising the construction of the dock gate in Hamburg, bringing it to Rostock through the Kiel Canal, installing it between the Warnow and the construction dock, sealing it, and then removing it and reinstalling again to allow more tunnel segments to be made and floated into position.

Hyperbaric work: diving and compressed air work for the new Wesertunnel

7. November 2001 | Bremerhaven, Germany

In the record time of just six months, the shield tunnelling work for the northern tunnel of the Wesertunnel at Dedesdorf near Bremerhaven was completed on 7 November 2001.

ROV "Hyball" – work at the sunken ferry Estonia

27. August 2001

For the fourth time, a team from Nordseetaucher GmbH was involved in the survey work on the sunken ferry Estonia.

We used our Remotely operated vehicle Hyball to carry out the surveillance work.

Prolonged work in hyperbaric conditions (saturation diving) in the Westerscheldetunnel

27. August 2001 | The Netherlands

Due to the high pressures of 6 bar at the working face, the cutting tools of both TBMs were replaced by divers from the HTDaC Consortium, Nordseetaucher GmbH and Noordhoek Diving B.V. The divers spent up to 14 days in hyperbaric conditions to carry out this work. The divers were brought to the face with a special pressurised shuttle which was docked on to the TBM and disconnected after work had been completed.

Repair work on the slide rails at the Leer sea lock

27. August 2001 | Leer Harbour

The Seeschleuse Leer consortium, which consists of Bitek Bergungsdienst GmbH and Nordseetaucher GmbH, has completed the replacement of the slide rails at the Leer sea lock. The work was carried out within a caisson. The dimensions of the caisson were: length 11.50m – width 4.50m – height 2.50m – shaft 9.00m. The caisson was equipped with two airlocks.

Sea Recovery ARIANE 5 Booster, Mission 508

19. December 2000 | French Guyana

In a joint project with CNEF and IMS, a team from Nordseetaucher GmbH was involved in recovering the boosters of the Ariane 5 rocket.